about 2 years
ago -
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The second of our March 2023 events and our first ever Asynchronous Group SSF event is now live! Join your fellow exiles in the Friendly Fire Group SSF event, just make sure you're careful where (and who) you attack! This event is only available on PC. If you're curious about the rest of March's events, you can find the events thread here.
Friendly Fire Group SSF Event
- League Completion Criteria: Kill Act Ten Kitava
- Based on: Standard (Sanctum/Ruthless/Hardcore all disabled)
- Accounts Allowed in League: 5
- Start date: 2pm March 14th PDT
- End date: 2pm March 21st PDT
- Platforms: PC only
Friendly Fire is enabled. Players can only deal damage when near two other players.
This event requires you to team up with two-four other players and try to complete the campaign without killing each other too much. Note that with full friendly fire on, even your minions will attack your teammates. Be careful what skills you pick!
The league account limit is set to 5 so that you can't have two teams of three progressing in parallel in the league to help each other out indirectly.
To join the event, click the banner for Friendly Fire Group SSF Event in the bottom right of the Character Select screen once you've logged into the game. This will take you to the Private League creation page of the Path of Exile website, where you can create your own Friendly Fire Group SSF Private League for free! Once you've created your Friendly Fire Group SSF Private League, don't forget to invite some friends!
In the Friendly Fire Group SSF Event,
- Players can only deal damage when near two other players.
- Other players are classified as enemies.
- After dying you cannot move for 1 minute.
- Players have no access to the guild stash.
The prizes for this event are exclusive trophy statues that can be displayed in your hideouts.- Legend's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #1
- Champion's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #2
- Victor's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #3
- Challenger's Hideout Statue for Group Ranks #4-10

The prizes will be awarded based on the time taken to kill Act 10 Kitava. The time is counted from when you make the league, not from when the event starts. Your group can have as many shots as you want while the event is live, and don't have to be playing at exactly the same time as the people you're competing against. At the end of the event, whichever group has the best time is the winner. The prizes will be distributed after all the events have ended (in April).
You can find the ladder for the Friendly Fire Group SSF Event here.
You can also find all the ladders for March's events here.
Best of luck to everyone participating!