over 5 years
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Alongside ongoing development of expansions to Path of Exile, over the past year we have been working on our very first gamebook. We're happy to introduce The Lord's Labyrinth, a Path of Exile Gamebook which will be available in higher tiers of the upcoming new Core Supporter Packs later this year! The gamebook is written by Chris Kluwe, illustrations are created by Jerry Gu and Jason Hong.
The Lord's Labyrinth is a 'choose your own path' type of book. You are Weylin of Ezomyr, an Ezomyte slave. Captured as a child and raised as a gladiator, you will be offered the chance to undergo the trials of the mad Emperor Izaro and his Lord’s Labyrinth. As Weylin, it is up to you to decide how the story will play out. Every choice is yours and yours alone. Some will lead to death, some to glory, and all will traverse the darkest paths of Wraeclast’s accursed past.
The gamebook (as well as other physical goods) will be available for higher tiers of the new Core Supporter Packs which are expected to be released at the end of this year. We do plan to sell the gamebook (in potentially digital as well as physical versions) outside Supporter Packs, but it will likely happen only after the end of these new Supporter Packs (so do not expect it to be available for direct purchase in the near future, but it will be eventually). Please note that the gamebook is in English and we are not planning to translate it to other languages due to the number of words and the limited print run.
We are very excited to bring this gamebook to the Path of Exile community and hope you will like it as much as we do! In the meantime, check out the cover and some of the illustrations below: