please bex, don't bait me into making another terrible SST build like this
please bex, don't bait me into making another terrible SST build like this
Do it
Capping quality at 20% are we?
Quality stacking was looking very dangerous on some skills (cough, alt-quality Kinetic Bolt) so that might not be a bad idea.
The range shows the values from 0% to 20% quality because those are the usual limits. This doesn't exclude individual gems being outside those limits (just like in some cases mods can have values outside their current range).
with all these new quality gems, will there be a way to search for them on trade site ?
I asked about the answer was that we'll make something happen but we're not sure what it is yet.
Liking the tooltip but is the quality effect visible on gems with no quality?
While holding alt to see it like this, yes. That's part of why it shows the range, rather than just what is currently granted by quality.
How does it work for quality that affects an existing stat on the gem?
While holding alt, the base stats of the gem, and the additional effects from quality, are separated, so the gem part will show the amount of each stat it would have without quality, and the quality part will show the stat modifications from quality.