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I get that the game needs to be slowed down, I really do. But you’ve already done that by nerfing things like flame dash recovery cooldown, and the second wind support gem. Why would you go further by implementing a mechanic that entirely DISABLES your movement skill?

Those grasping/toxic vines slow you down in moments when you need to move the most. If there’s twenty monsters rushing towards me, my gut reaction is to quickly flame dash away. But I can’t even do that anymore if I have vines, so I guess I’ll just walk away very slowly to my inevitable death?

I’m also self-casting, which is pretty ironic since it was supposedly buffed this league.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Grasping Vines disabling movement skills is unintentional and we are working on a fix for this at the moment! We don't have a timeline just yet, but will deploy it as soon as it's ready.

about 3 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by FTGinnervation

It's worth mentioning that the concept was intentionally introduced in Ritual and still exists on at least one map boss.

As abrasive as the post title is, it's so true. Using a movement skill to dodge incoming damage is one of the few mechanical expressions of skill we have in the game.

Most skill is expressed through knowledge and planning and experience. I like that. If you want to add more mechanical skill I wouldn't mind that. But disabling a movement skill is none of those things.

We'd like to clarify that the upcoming fix is specific to "Grasping Vines" used by the new Spriggan monsters in Act 2 and by the Treant Horde Archnemesis mod. This fix will not affect things such as "Toxic Vines" in Ritual, as well as other variations.