about 6 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link
about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by rustunooldu

New player here, can confirm it's a mindf**k.

Does it mean that my maximum leech rate will be increased by 3% of my max ES?

Does it mean that my maximum leech rate will be increased by 3% of my max ES?

Yes. Although by the time the patch is released this node will be described in a different (and hopefully clearer) manner, as a 30% increase to the Maximum total Recovery per second from ES Leech (the base value is 10% of max ES, so a 30% increase to the value is equivalent to adding another 3% of max ES to the value).

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by welpxD

It increases the leech cap for ES, yes. For some reason they can't use the same wording they do for life leech.

This is the same wording as the life version - that wording had to be adapted because of the changes to the leech system (primarily the introduction of another maximum which needs to be clearly distinguished from this one, but also some other suff).

However, as I noted in my othert comment, this won't look like this on realease - all such modifiers on the tree and items will be instead done as a % increase (or reduction) to the base amount of this leech maximum, so they won't have to say anything about max ES/Life/Mana in their description.

We also improved how the character panel displays this stuff.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Dantonn

Maximum total Recovery per second from ES Leech

Is this a hard cap on recovery from ES Leech or would modifiers to ES recovery (or recovery rate) still be able to increase it further?

This is a hard limit on the total recovery rate from all instances of Energy Shield leech affecting you. Increasing recovery per second does not let you bypass this cap, it just lets you reach it easier/with fewer leech instances.

This is not a change (other than ES leech existing and thus having it's own max); existing life/mana leech maximums already work this way, and have done since they were introduced.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by ErrorLoadingNameFile

Actually modern dots can leech.

This is not true. Leech is a hit mechanic, and that has not changed.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Blakaraz

Are you sure about the fact that increased recovery rate for life does not multiply the max amount of life you get from leech per second? Eg. 50% increased life recovery rate resulting in 30% life per second recovered from leech, if you have the unmodified 20% cap?

Or am I misunderstanding you, and thats not what you are saying (I assume that "increasing recovery per second" refers to life/es recovery rate mods)?

Are you sure about the fact that increased recovery rate for life does not multiply the max amount of life you get from leech per second? Eg. 50% increased life recovery rate resulting in 30% life per second recovered from leech, if you have the unmodified 20% cap?

Yes. The whole point of that stat is it's a maximum, increasing the value of the thing it's a maximum for doesn't increase the maximum.

It has worked this way since it was introduced, and the wiki page explains this interaction (see here). Your total (the wiki says combined) leech from all instances is modified by increased leech per second, then capped by the maxmimum.

EDIT: I misread your post as referring to the leech specific modifiers. Modifiers to generic recovery of life/mana/es are applied to the sum of all sources of recovery, including your total from leech, which is a capped value. This is not actually raising the maximum stat, which is what confused me about your wording, but because the value, which has already had the maximum applied, is then combined with other sources of recovery, and a further modifier applied, the result (which is not just from leech, but from all sources) is not limited by that maximum.

Technically, those shouldn't be applied separately (and should not be multiplicative with the more specific versions), but in the previous system there were technical reasons they could not be applied together. Now that limitation is removed, but we do not want to change the function of those stats until a patch when we will have time to correctly adjust the relevant balance values to account for the change, as it would have a significant effect. This is tentatively scheduled for a medium-term future patch.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Black_XistenZ

But if you add other sources of max ES to leech cap, these two wordings would make a difference, wouldnt they?

Say you have taken Ghost Reaver and use an elder amulet with the "+3-5% of maximum Life per second to maximum Life Leech rate". Thanks to GR, this is applied to your ES leech cap instead, making the base cap 15%. The original wording sounds like Ethereal Feast adds another flat 3% to this base ES leech cap, for a total of 18%. (Subject to further modification by the multiplier on GR...)

The new wording you propose here, by contrast, would make it sound like a 30% more multiplier is applied on those 15% base ES leech cap, for a result of 19.5% (pre GR multiplier).

Anyone else getting a headache? ;-)

But if you add other sources of max ES to leech cap, these two wordings would make a difference, wouldnt they?

This is not possible because all such modifiers are now expressed as % increases. There are no additions to this stat any more.

Say you have taken Ghost Reaver and use an elder amulet with the "+3-5% of maximum Life per second to maximum Life Leech rate". Thanks to GR, this is applied to your ES leech cap instead

That is not something Ghost Reaver does, either before or after 3.6.0