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To help you get ready for the launch of Path of Exile: Affliction, we've prepared all the Item Filter Information you need in this news post.
If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry too much! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of Affliction.
New Keyword
- Values: True/False
New Items
Item Class: Divination Card
- I See Brothers
- Assassin's Gift
- Eldritch Perfection
- Who Asked
Item Class: Stackable Currency
- Tainted Catalyst
Item Class: Ring
- Composite Ring
- Manifold Ring
- Ratcheting Ring
- Helical Ring
Item Class: Amulet
- Focused Amulet
Item Class: Tincture
- Ironwood Tincture
- Ashbark Tincture
- Fulgurite Tincture
- Poisonberry Tincture
- Rosethorn Tincture
- Oakbranch Tincture
- Borealwood Tincture
- Blood Sap Tincture
Item Class: Charms
- Ursine Charm
- Lupine Charm
- Corvine Charm
Item Class: Corpses
- Imperfect Hydra
- Hydra
- Perfect Hydra
- Imperfect Frozen Cannibal
- Frozen Cannibal
- Perfect Frozen Cannibal
- Imperfect Fiery Cannibal
- Fiery Cannibal
- Perfect Fiery Cannibal
- Imperfect Dark Marionette
- Dark Marionette
- Perfect Dark Marionette
- Imperfect Naval Officer
- Naval Officer
- Perfect Naval Officer
- Imperfect Dancing Sword
- Dancing Sword
- Perfect Dancing Sword
- Imperfect Needle Horror
- Needle Horror
- Perfect Needle Horror
- Imperfect Serpent Warrior
- Serpent Warrior
- Perfect Serpent Warrior
- Imperfect Pain Artist
- Pain Artist
- Perfect Pain Artist
- Imperfect Sawblade Horror
- Sawblade Horror
- Perfect Sawblade Horror
- Imperfect Blood Demon
- Blood Demon
- Perfect Blood Demon
- Imperfect Slashing Horror
- Slashing Horror
- Perfect Slashing Horror
- Imperfect Druidic Alchemist
- Druidic Alchemist
- Perfect Druidic Alchemist
- Imperfect Blasphemer
- Blasphemer
- Perfect Blasphemer
- Imperfect Judgemental Spirit
- Judgemental Spirit
- Perfect Judgemental Spirit
- Imperfect Primal Thunderbird
- Primal Thunderbird
- Perfect Primal Thunderbird
- Imperfect Spirit of Fortune
- Spirit of Fortune
- Perfect Spirit of Fortune
- Imperfect Primal Demiurge
- Primal Demiurge
- Perfect Primal Demiurge
- Imperfect Runic Skeleton
- Runic Skeleton
- Perfect Runic Skeleton
- Imperfect Warlord
- Warlord
- Perfect Warlord
- Imperfect Dark Reaper
- Dark Reaper
- Perfect Dark Reaper
- Imperfect Hulking Miscreation
- Hulking Miscreation
- Perfect Hulking Miscreation
- Imperfect Sanguimancer Demon
- Sanguimancer Demon
- Perfect Sanguimancer Demon
- Imperfect Spider Matriarch
- Spider Matriarch
- Perfect Spider Matriarch
- Imperfect Half-remembered Goliath
- Half-remembered Goliath
- Perfect Half-remembered Goliath
- Imperfect Meatsack
- Meatsack
- Perfect Meatsack
- Imperfect Eldritch Eye
- Eldritch Eye
- Perfect Eldritch Eye
- Imperfect Forest Tiger
- Forest Tiger
- Perfect Forest Tiger
- Imperfect Guardian Turtle
- Guardian Turtle
- Perfect Guardian Turtle
- Imperfect Shadow Construct
- Shadow Construct
- Perfect Shadow Construct
- Imperfect Forest Warrior
- Forest Warrior
- Perfect Forest Warrior
Renamed Items
Delirium Orbs
- Amorphous Delirium Orb renamed to Challenging Delirium Orb
- Morphing Incubator renamed to Challenging Incubator
Unique Items
- Ultimatum Aspect renamed to Vaal Aspect
- Rusted Metamorph Scarab renamed to Rusted Ultimatum Scarab
- Polished Metamorph Scarab renamed to Polished Ultimatum Scarab
- Gilded Metamorph Scarab renamed to Gilded Ultimatum Scarab
- Winged Metamorph Scarab renamed to Winged Ultimatum Scarab
Pantheon Souls
- Captured Soul of Puruna, the Challenger renamed to Captured Soul of Blood Progenitor
- Captured Soul of Fragment of Winter renamed to Captured Soul of Merveil, the Returned
- Captured Soul of Pirate Treasure renamed to Captured Soul of Nassar, Lion of the Seas
- Captured Soul of Hybrid Widow renamed to Captured Soul of Spinner of False Hope
- Captured Soul of Armala, the Widow renamed to Captured Soul of Queen of the Great Tangle
- Captured Soul of Forest of Flames renamed to Captured Soul of Lord of the Ashen Arrow
- Captured Soul of Fire and Fury renamed to Captured Soul of Megaera
- Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of Shadows renamed to Captured Soul of Sebbert, Crescent's Point
- Captured Soul of The Winged Death renamed to Captured Soul of It That Fell
- Captured Soul of Varhesh, Shimmering Aberration renamed to Captured Soul of Tunneltrap
- Captured Soul of Avatar of Undoing renamed to Captured Soul of Preethi, Eye-Pecker
- Captured Soul of The Hollow Lady renamed to Captured Soul of Drek, Apex Hunter
- Captured Soul of The Blacksmith renamed to Captured Soul of Stalker of the Endless Dunes
Returning Items
- Inscribed Ultimatum
- Omen of Amelioration
- Omen of Return
- Omen of Death-dancing
- Omen of Refreshment
- Omen of the Soul Devourer
- Omen of Fortune
- Omen of the Jeweller
- Omen of Connections
- Omen of Blanching
- Omen of Adrenaline
- Omen of Death's Door
- Omen of Brilliance
Removed Item Filter Conditions
- GemQualityType
Removed Items
- Metamorph Brain
- Metamorph Eye
- Metamorph Liver
- Metamorph Lung
- Metamorph Heart
- Silver Coin
Map Tiers
Tier 1
- Bone Crypt
- Pier
- Flooded Mine
- Glacier
Tier 2
- Dunes
- Infested Valley
- Port
- Forking River
- Laboratory
- Fields
- Crimson Township
- Core
Tier 3
- Overgrown Shrine
- Strand
- Ancient City
- Estuary
- Chateau
- Ramparts
- Conservatory
- Castle Ruins
Tier 4
- Cemetery
- Moon Temple
- Vaal Pyramid
- Lookout
- Colonnade
- Precinct
- Grotto
- Acid Caverns
Tier 5
- Atoll
- Courtyard
- Gardens
- Academy
- Dry Sea
- Siege
- Tropical Island
- Ashen Wood
Tier 6
- Shore
- Promenade
- Waste Pool
- Palace
- Dark Forest
- Crystal Ore
- Thicket
Tier 7
- Cursed Crypt
- Relic Chambers
- Plateau
- Caldera
- Dig
- Bog
- Frozen Cabins
Tier 8
- Arachnid Nest
- Wasteland
- Spider Forest
- Overgrown Ruin
- Grave Trough
- Summit
- City Square
Tier 9
- Foundry
- Sepulchre
- Park
- Spider Lair
- Channel
- Iceberg
Tier 10
- Underground Sea
- Crater
- Arena
- Wharf
- Carcass
- Coves
Tier 11
- Ghetto
- Arcade
- Mineral Pools
- Racecourse
- Burial Chambers
- Volcano
Tier 12
- Museum
- Necropolis
- Orchard
- Colosseum
- Basilica
- Lava Chamber
Tier 13
- Mud Geyser
- Arid Lake
- Crimson Temple
- Cage
- Canyon
Tier 14
- Temple
- Maze
- Reef
- Jungle Valley
- Plaza
Tier 15
- Underground River
- Ivory Temple
- Vault
- Mesa
- Bramble Valley
Tier 16
- Desert
- Residence
- Bazaar
- Stagnation