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I recently reunited with a friend of mine - an absolute ARPG grinder.

I asked why he doesn't play grinder's paradise - Path of Exile. The answer was - "I want to know what's happening lore-wise and I don't speak English"

Above may be anecdotal, but :

  • Raizqt is polish
  • Playing and trading I meet a lot of polish people (judging by their character names)
  • Diablo was VERY popular in Poland. So was Civilization. Civ VI has polish language support and one of the first expansions added polish civilization
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over 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

We don't have any explicit plans in this regard just yet but it's certainly on our radar.

over 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by sahmihail

Imo polish players can help with translate. English is not my first language too

Yes, typically we hire translators from within the community. Almost all of our translators are long-time Path of Exile players.