about 3 years
ago -
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Get ready to spend the next 10 days in the company of skilled rogues as the Endless Heist Event starts at Noon December 17 (PST) (which is Dec 17, 2021 3:00 PM (EST) (log in to view in your local time))! If you're interested in participating, you can find more information about this event and prizing here.
While we have your attention, we'd like to mention that during the Endless Heist event next week (likely on Tuesday, December 21st at 4pm PST) we'll deploy a small update which requires a realm restart.
Twitch Drops will be running for the first day of the Endless Heist, so if you're unable to play from the start, be sure to watch the action on Twitch in order to get the Temple Portal Effect!
How to receive Twitch Drops Visit your Twitch Settings page while logged in. If your account isn't connected, click the "Connect" button for Twitch under "Other Connections". Complete the process on Twitch and you will be redirected back to your Twitch Settings page. If your account is already connected, this page should say "Your Path of Exile account is currently linked to your Twitch account."
After you have accumulated enough watch time (2 hours) to earn your Portal Effects, you must redeem them from your Twitch Inventory before they will be available in your microtransactions list in Path of Exile. Best of luck everyone!