over 2 years
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The Black Star's Polaric Hideout enters the store today, along with a few new Skill Effects! We're also having a sale on every Stash Tab! Check out the videos below or browse the Stash Tabs here and the new releases here!
The Stash Sale will run from the time of this post until May 23, 2022 9:00 PM (EDT) (This is displayed in your local time).
In case you need points for this sale, we recommend checking out our new Sentinel Supporter Packs!
The Polaric Hideout features destructible pillars that reform after a few seconds, as well as a device in the center of the hideout that toggles the fire and ice effect on the arena floor from the Black Star fight!
The Heritage Corrupting Fever Effect gives your character a Heritage themed glow while the buff is active. It also changes the effect of the Corrupted Blood debuff on your foes!
The Pandemonium Explosive Arrow Effect scales its rocky explosion effect based on how many fuses are stuck in the target upon detonation!
The Celestial Energy Blade and Celestial Plague Bearer Effects give both of their respective skills a Celestial theme!
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