about 2 years ago - Jatin_GGG - Direct link

" CoalMN wrote: Hexproof-specific mobs such as the Orchard boss or the hexproof mod on rare monsters seem immune to Profane Bloom. Despite stripping over 90% fire resistance (I was fire-based ignite before switching to Blackflame), their resistances did not budge and they take much more time to kill than non-hexproof monsters. I saw this behaviour in Acts, so it isn't a matter of map modifiers.

EDIT: Further testing is making me realize that there is a percentage chance that it doesn't work, but it does work a lot of the time, I'll try to get a screenshot of this behaviour.

EDIT 2: I was able to reproduce the behaviour, but Einhar unceremoniously killed the rare before I was able to screenshot it. The curses turn into the hexproof symbol; it is not cosmetic as the resists of a rare mob in Blood Acqueduct did not move (tested with an Occultist that uses Frostbite and Elemental weakness). This bug seems rare.

EDIT 3: I have removed the line where it says it works correctly with hexproof maps, there's a chance it does not.

Thanks for your report, we're looking into this.