over 1 year
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As you know, we'll announce our next expansion at ExileCon 2023 in July, and we're also planning to introduce a new series of Supporter Packs! This means that the current Crucible Supporter Packs will be leaving the store forever. Check them out here!
Also available for a limited time is the Crucible edition of Kirac's Vault Pass, which can be purchased for points! It will be sealed away forever and replaced with new, exclusive cosmetic effects at the end of the league for both PC and Console. Check out the Igneous Emperor Armour Set in the video below or get your Pass here.
We'll be announcing the new series of Supporter Packs that will be replacing the Crucible Supporter Packs at ExileCon 2023. Tune in to twitch.tv/pathofexile on July 28th (PDT) to see!
In the meantime, be sure to grab your Lithomancer and Enchanter packs here before they are gone forever.
Thanks for your support!