about 2 years
ago -
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We're on the lookout for new builds to feature for Build of the Week Season 11! If you've got a cool build that you think fits the bill, make sure you post it in the Classes/Builds sub-forum on the forum homepage! This time, we won't look for builds exclusively on our forum, so we'll be on the lookout in other places too! We'll also look out for your build If you need some inspiration, check out all the episodes from Season 10 below.
Episode 1: ABCkid's Self-Shock Lightning Conduit Raider
Episode 2: Mathil's Rolling Magma Deadeye
Episode 3: Frost666's Relic of the Pact Inquisitor
Episode 4: omnompanda's Saqawal's Twister Inquisitor
Episode 5: Akshay's Ward Loop Scion
Episode 6: Devon752's "Hotstepper" Frostblink Elementalist
Looking for more? Check out the archive of builds on our playlist on Youtube here!
Thanks for watching, see you next time!