about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1692727621995341679]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We've put together a small tidbit of information about Sirus encounters for you to peruse at your leisure. These statistics include how many times Sirus has been killed since the beginning of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion as well as how many times characters have died during the encounter!

First, we'll look at how many times characters have died while fighting Sirus:

Metamorph | 4408603
Metamorph HC | 1014
Metamorph SSF | 159115
Metamorph HC SSF | 769

Leading the way is the Metamorph league with just over 4.4 million total deaths to Sirus! In Metamorph HC, 1,014 characters lost their fight against Sirus and were sent to Standard league. Looking at Metamorph SSF, we can see that just under 160,000 characters died to Sirus compared to 769 characters in Metamorph HC SSF.

Next, let's take a look at the total amount of times that Sirus has been killed in each league:

Metamorph | 1028060
Metamorph HC | 7871
Metamorph SSF | 32053
Metamorph HC SSF | 3636

Sirus has died just over a million times in Metamorph league and just over 7,800 times in Metamorph HC. We see that the number of Sirus kills in Metamorph SSF is almost ten times that of Metamorph SSF HC (32,053 compared to the 3,636 respectively).

If we then look at the number of character deaths compared to the number of Sirus deaths, we can see that, in Metamorph league, for every time that Sirus died, just less than 4.3 character deaths occurred:

League Sirus K/D
Metamorph | 4.3
Hardcore Metamorph | 0.13
SSF Metamorph | 4.9
SSF Metamorph HC | 0.2

In Metamorph SSF, it's even greater, coming in at just shy of 5 character deaths per Sirus kill. In Metamorph HC, for every Sirus kill, just fewer than 0.13 characters died, or in other words, approximately 1 in 8 characters that attempted Sirus died. This number is significantly lower than that of the non-HC leagues due to the fact that you can only die a single time to Sirus in HC. One would also expect that characters attempting Sirus in HC leagues would be much more prepared and thus more likely to succeed. Similarly, in Metamorph HC SSF, for every Sirus kill, just more than 0.2 characters died, or, approximately 1 in 5 characters that attempted Sirus died. The power offered by having the ability to trade nearly doubled the success rate of HC characters.

Hopefully you've enjoyed this brief look at how characters have been faring with the Sirus encounter. How have you personally managed with Sirus this league?