almost 2 years
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Our first ExileCon Qualifier event begins in 30 minutes! You are now able to join the event and compete for a spot in the finale race at ExileCon. If you can't participate today, you still have a chance to shine! In the following weeks we'll host three more ExileCon Qualifiers every Thursday at 2PM PDT. For more information about Qualifier events and their prizepool, check out this announcement.
If you're in for some Path of Exile action, join our official livestream at now! The event will be shoutcasted by ZiggyD and RaizQT, so lots of fun is guaranteed.
Shortly before the event started, our server host experienced a network incident that dropped and disrupted connectivity for some players in EU and Canada. Our server host managed to resolve this approximately five minutes into the event. This was completely random but very unfortunate for our racers participating in those locations. We do not expect this to occur next time.
Congratulations to kekshookertonxdd (imexile) for winning the first ExileCon Qualifier Event and securing their spot in the finale race at ExileCon in New Zealand! This race was super close and we can't wait to see who will take the next one. Thanks to everyone who watched and participated!