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Rediscover Path of Exile's Passive Skill Tree in the Krangled Passives Group SSF Event! Now available on both PC and Console, you can start exploring the krangled skill tree to reveal which strange character builds might be possible.
Krangled Passives Group SSF Event
- League Completion Criteria: Kill both Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds
- Based on: Standard (Sanctum/Ruthless/Hardcore all disabled)
- Accounts Allowed in League: 6
- End date: End date: 2pm March 28th PDT
- Platforms: PC and Console
The Passive Skill Tree and all Ascendancy Trees are jumbled. Minor passive skills, notables, keystones, minor ascendancy skills and major ascendancy skills have been internally scrambled within those categories (so a notable passive is still a notable passive, just a random one). Mastery locations are Krangled, but their options are not. All players have the same trees.
You can only see properties of passive or Ascendancy skills that are adjacent to ones you have allocated.
This event prompts some interesting strategies. Can your party work out what builds or Ascendancy choices are the best in this new crazy meta? Will you share that information with other players? Will you send some members ahead and then restart characters once there's a good build plan?
On Console realms, which don't yet support Group SSF, this event will be run as a regular solo SSF event.
To join the event, click the banner for Krangled Passives Group SSF Event in the bottom right of the Character Select screen once you've logged into the game. This will take you to the Private League creation page of the Path of Exile website, where you can create your own Krangled Passives Group SSF Private League for free! Once you've created your Krangled Passives Group SSF Private League, don't forget to invite some friends!
The prizes for this event are exclusive trophy statues that can be displayed in your hideouts.- Legend's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #1
- Champion's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #2
- Victor's Hideout Statue for Group Rank #3
- Challenger's Hideout Statue for Group Ranks #4-10

The prizes will be awarded based on the time taken to kill both Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds. The time is counted from when you make the league, not from when the event starts. Your group can have as many shots as you want while the event is live, and don't have to be playing at exactly the same time as the people you're competing against. At the end of the event, whichever group has the best time is the winner. The prizes will be distributed after all the events have ended (in April).
This event is available on PC and Console. You can find the ladders for each platform's event below:
You can also find all the ladders for March's events here.
Good luck to everyone participating!