about 3 years
ago -
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Since Path of Exile was launched on Xbox and PlayStation several years ago, we've been keen to bring controller support to the PC version. In the near future, we'll deploy the 3.17.3 Patch which introduces a Beta version of controller support.
To access this feature, connect a game controller to your PC, launch Path of Exile and go to the Input Options panel. Change the Input Method option to "Controller (Beta)". It should take effect without you having to relaunch Path of Exile. Please note that the feature is currently unavailable on Epic and macOS clients.
This controller support feature will stay in Beta until the launch of the 3.18 expansion, and there may be issues in the meantime. Please report any bugs related to the controller support in the Bug Reports forum.
Also, if you have a Steam Deck console, please test out Path of Exile after 3.17.3 has been released and let us know how well it works!