over 2 years
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This weekend, we're running a sale on popular microtransactions! Check out the full selection of sale items here.
The sale ends at Jul 18, 2022 8:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time).
If you are in need of more points for the sale, don't forget to check out the Archnemesis, Sentinel or Core Supporter Packs!
Not sure what to get? Why not try combining items from different sets? Check out the screenshot below, which features the Dark Magic Helmet, Stygian Body Armour, Revenant Sword and Tranquil Ethercraft Gloves, Boots and Back Attachment, which are all on sale this weekend!

Finally, don't forget about Zizaran's Class Gauntlet Event starting this weekend! More information on the event can be found here. Best of luck to everyone participating!
Thanks so much for your support!