almost 5 years ago - /u/a_sites - Direct link

Hey everyone,

I wanted to provide a quick recap of the weekend and what to expect this week.

First, the EU server login issues continue to be our top priority. As many of you saw over the weekend, in conjunction with the Daybreak TechOps team and our EU data center provider, we made several attempts to improve/fix the login issues through backend configuration changes and a client hotfix. At this point, we are waiting for one final change by our data center provider (scheduled for later today) that we believe should correct the login issues related to the EU server move last week. Unfortunately, we don’t actually see the login problem until we hit pop times, so we are going to continue monitoring each day before this weekend.

On Sunday, we had a BGP flap in the data center that houses Emerald (US East) that caused about 2/3 of the server population to get disconnected and unable to login for several minutes. We’re working with the data center provide to get more details on the cause and how to prevent it from happening again.

Today we are preparing a patch to address a handful of issues; primarily around reports of Outfits not being able to craft War Assets even they have the required resources. This will require a full client/server update and given the nature of the bug, we plan to do it ASAP. More details will be posted once confirmed.

In other news, we are finalizing the process for ex-Briggs players that ended up on SolTech after the AUS region shutdown the ability to perform a one time transfer from SolTech to Connery. We hope to have the details for this out by tomorrow (Tuesday).

Finally, as I type this, we are currently on-track for the Emerald server hardware upgrade this week (Wednesday the 18th). However, with the recent measures being taken to combat the COVID-19 situation, this is currently at risk of being delayed due to the logistical coordination required. The Daybreak TechOps team is going to provide a final confirmation later today or early tomorrow. At which point, we will update you all.

Thanks to everyone that weathered the storm this weekend. We will continue making improvements throughout the week.



PS – We are aware of the frustration from the EU players that did encounter the login issues during the 2XP weekend. We will make things right. Just hang tight while we focus on ensuring that we don’t have a repeat of the EU login issues this coming weekend before we make any announcements.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by IrishKing

/u/a_sites is there any update on properly fixing alert rewards? They are still not giving xp, certs, or ISO to players and it is excruciatingly frustrating. It's exacerbated by having double xp this weekend which is even more xp missed out on as well as my personal xp boosters I activated to ride the wave only to find out it's still broken after you said it was fixed.

Please, this is a pretty major turnoff for a lot of players and it needs to be put on the same urgency as the outfit crafting if not higher since it affects literally every player in the game. I worked so hard to try to win alerts and almost all of my efforts were for naught over the weekend, it's leaving a pretty shitty taste in my mouth to be bluntly honest.

We have a fix in the works that we're testing now, for tomorrow's hotfix (planned for 6AM PDT). But yes, absolutely high-priority, just need to be sure it's *actually* working as intended before rolling out the details.

almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Akhevan

Hey Andy, any news about when we can actually expect to have certs and ISO back for continent lock alerts?

yup, see my reply to u/IrishKing above. Working to get this tested and verified before tomorrow morning's planned hotfix (6am on Tues March 17).

almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Psyco_vada

Are we still able to reassign leaderless outfits? Support tickets get rejected saying: "Outfit leadership - We do not assist with changing the leadership of any outfits. If your leadership is inactive you will need to reform your outfit with the leader you want."


Yes. I'll share what u/a_sites posted in his pre-Escalation dev letter on leaderless outfits (below). You can contact customer service at If you have trouble getting help, send me a message directly (here or on discord jgolenbo#0710).


Per Andy:

Beginning on Wednesday, March 11 (Escalation launch day), players can submit a Customer Service ticket requesting that Outfit leadership be reassigned due to current leader inactivity. If the Outfit leader has been inactive (not logged into PS2) in the past 180 days (6 months), CS will assign Outfit leadership to the next highest ranking recently active Outfit member with the longest service in the Outfit.

To ensure past Outfit leaders have an opportunity to return post-update within a reasonable amount of time, all Outfit leaders that have their leadership reassigned due to inactivity will have 30 days from March 11 to return and submit a Customer Service ticket to regain their “Leader” ranking. 

almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by DontWaitWalk

Glad to hear you guys are trying to get this fixed for tomorrow's patch. Any chance we could get some compensation iso and certs for all the alert rewards we missed out on while this was broken?

We’re discussing make goods, but focused on shoring up the issues first. Hang tight, we’ll make it right.