

16 Dec


Team is working on a fix for this right now. Should be a client-only publish once ready. Expecting to send it to Live in a couple hours.

11 Dec


Originally posted by Ricky_RZ

The last time an update surprised me, alert rewards were removed!

Let's just say I'd rather have all the cards on the table


09 Dec


Originally posted by parmojo3000


Just sent you a PM


Originally posted by parmojo3000

i dont even get past the first loading screen. i use the steam version. but using the launcher exe and not the steam client has no problem with CTD

Ok, just to confirm - when you login through Steam, you get the CTD. But when you launch the game using the launcher.exe, no problems?


Just following up on this issue - are any of you still encountering this client shutdown or crash? We are seeing some crash reports, but they appear to be related to unrecognized 3rd party apps being used - TO BE CLEAR, we are not implying that anyone crashing from this is actually using any nefarious 3rd party cheats, apps, etc. But this is how its showing up in our client crash reporting logs.

We are continuing to investigate and will continue to post more details push out fixes as we figure out the cause.

03 Dec


Hey everyone,

I've been replying to this thread with some details about the Esamir crash on Emerald last night, but figured I'd post this reply separately to share with others:

Regarding the Emerald and Cobalt/Miller performance issues you mentioned. There have been some ongoing ISP routing issues that our NetEng team has been tracking over the past couple weeks, resulting in a lot of EU players (most recently those based in Germany) suddenly having horrible connection quality to our EU servers. I've been in cont...

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Originally posted by Selerox

Good to hear you're looking into it.

Also, is there any update regarding the reports of really twitchy server performance recently? Emerald and Cobalt have been mentioned a few times.

Regarding the Emerald and Cobalt/Miller performance issues you mentioned. There have been some ongoing ISP routing issues that our NetEng team has been tracking over the past couple weeks, resulting in a lot of EU players (most recently those based in Germany) suddenly having horrible connection quality to our EU servers. I've been in contact with a few players over the past couple days, along with our NetEng team making some manual routing changes. The latest round of changes we made was yesterday at about 12:55pm (Pacific). After we made the routing changes, the few players I was in contact with reported their connection quality returning to normal. But I'm sure there are others that might still be having problems.

To be clear, the issues above are not related to server performance. Its ISP routing between the player and our data center. Again, this is likely not the only issue, but in these cases, its was and it was pretty widespread. Our NetEng team is activel...

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Update on this...

The zone (Esamir) definitely crashed, which resulted in the sh*tshow epic display of camaraderie in the video posted. We are troubleshooting now and will post more details once we have a handle on the specific cause and required fix.

02 Dec


Originally posted by xPaffDaddyx

/u/a_sites Please not again, I hope you guys are looking into it.

After the last update I also get daily 200ms ping to cobalt now. I have a better ping to Emerald at this point which doesn't makes sense at all.

DMing you now

27 Nov


Hey everyone. Please don't read the lack of public communication about issues like this as us not caring. We've been making/playing online games for years and as a developer understand how easily a game can be ruined by cheating, and as a player, how sh*tty of an experience it is. Over the past several days, we've been communicating directly with several community members not only about SolTech, but some activity that has been happening on the other region servers.

Over these past few days, we've been able to identify/detect/prevent several new/active cheat programs being used. With the latest round at about 5am (Pacific) this morning.

As we all know, this is an ongoing fight. We are making some changes internally, as well as with BattlEye to streamline our ability to react to cheaters and the programs they are using. In addition to this, please remember to report any unusual activity or blatant cheating to


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20 Nov


UPDATE - 11/20 @ 11:30PM (Pacific):

I've updated the list of issues we're tracking (see below). Due to the need to bounce servers in order to address a few of the anniversary mission issues, we plan to publish on Tuesday morning. This is so we have time to react to any new issues that surface over the weekend. Please report any new issues here - we plan to continue monitoring feedback throughout the weekend.

UPDATE - 11/20 @ 12:40PM (Pacific):

We are tracking a few issues with the update - primarily related to the Anniversary Mission:

  • Defending facilities foes not count toward progress for the anniversary mission - we have a potential fix and are testing internally.
  • The NS-61 "Networked" Emissary and NS-357 IA kills do not count towards progress for the anniversary missions - we have a potential fix for this as well.
  • The Anniversary Mission not appearing in some players mission lists - we believe this migh...
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16 Nov


FWIW, we formally started work on new player onboarding/tutorial a few weeks ago.

14 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]


Aside from certain things not updating at that distance on the client, or as frequently as when they are in closer range, I don't think there there are any technical limitations. I just pinged our TD to confirm.


Originally posted by Warm-Evidence

Any comment on when next dev stream will be?

Very soon.


To be clear - " QA team believes it's working totally as expected" - is not what I said. Rather, the QA team has been unable to repro the problem with the steps you and others have sent us. I did receive your video yesterday afternoon, so we will take a look at that.

I'm going through the thread now to pull replies for the QA team to try and reproduce this internally. We (QA and dev) are in today prepping for the next game update, so we will try to dig into this more this weekend.

13 Nov


Originally posted by Yokabu-

im still not able to download the client from the homepage. page just loads for a very short time but than nothing happens.

FYI - this should be fixed now


I've received word that this has been fixed. If you've been unable to patch/login over the past few days, please try now and let me know if you're still unable. I've also been unable to login since Thursday morning and I'm able to now.



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Originally posted by nat3s

Patcher doesn't work, gives me a socket error after getting 1mb into the download.

I'm from London, UK if it's relevant, ironically in the Docklands area which is near one of the big hops into the UK so you must have some super funky routing going on lol

The patcher issue is unrelated this this, but is actively being worked on as well with the CDN provider (Highwinds) that caused the problem.


Hey everyone,

If you've been encountering server/network connection quality issues with the EU region servers (Cobalt/Miller/Ceres), please let me know if you notice any changes today - better/worse/no change.

Based on the feedback we've been receiving and tracerts that I've been sent from various players throughout Europe/RU, there have been some fairly measurable routing and connection issues between players and the data center where our servers are housed.

The Ops team has been working on moving over to a new circuit with a different provider that we believe offers much cleaner routing and more reliable connection quality into our data center. The switchover just happened a few hours ago, so if you are able to login now or anytime today/this weekend, please reply and let me know if you notice any changes.

To be clear, this is not a one-and-done change. Some players might see an improvement, some could even see a decline, but we believe that ...

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