@56AB_Staahl @planetside2 Steam workshop is a totally different animal, and not something we're set up to support.
@56AB_Staahl @planetside2 You don't really apply. We look for artists via Artstation or similar websites who have the right skillsets and art styles that align with ours. Then we send off concept art and design information, draft up a contract, and they do the work. First step is to see a portfolio.
@56AB_Staahl @planetside2 There are legal issues barring any additional content creators through Player Studio at this time. So barring that, if you wanted to do work for PlanetSide 2, we're always on the lookout for reliable outsourcers.
All servers are now unlocked after this morning's update. Patch notes from this downtime may be found here: #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: [PC HOTFIX] All PC servers will come down for the following hotfix on Thursday, July 08, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downt…
[PC HOTFIX] All PC servers will come down for the following hotfix on Thursday, July 08, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours. Details: #PlanetSide2
Heavy Assault or Light Assault? Which unit do you operate? #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: _Integrate this shiny wallpaper into your desktop. #PlanetSide2
_Integrate this shiny wallpaper into your desktop. #PlanetSide2
@Dutch_Duckyyz @DBG_Bishop @planetside2 Will be fixed in the next update.
@ArsheeTv @kaymariestreams @its_capri @ohmywingz @Ewogx Hey, happy birthday. Hope it's a good one.
@Robo_Esq @planetside2 Vehicles/Infantry of any allegiance can pass through, but projectiles cannot from either direction. Up until not too long ago, it was a one-way shield, but now it's two.
@CAMIKAZE78: The @planetside2 _Integration update has arrived & it bring with it an incredible amount of content. Too much to go over in…
@brianrjames That’s some really nice inkarnate work though.
Celebrate July 4th with DOUBLE XP FOR ALL! Event starts today through July 5th. Jump to the Depot and check out our 40% off Infantry Cosmetics deals. Happy 4th, soldiers! 🎇🎇🎇 #PlanetSide2
@HaresusZeus @WrelPlays Fresh our page now. 🤖👍
@planetside2: The NSO _Integration update is LIVE! NSO Weapons, Vehicles and more. Details here: #PlanetSide2 ht…