@Game_Dev_Carto The streamers and developer dynamic is a pretty textbook definition of a "symbiotic relationship"
Team is trying to get everything wrapped up by this weekend.
@ItsTechnoTV_ @AndySites @RoguePlanetSD @planetside2 @PlanetSide2PS4 how is it going?
@twilly18 ☠️🎃☠️
@N7jpicard: Beta Testing a New Streaming overlay designed for @planetside2 - Bob Mitch is a very talented API programmer! Come sus out w…
🎥 "Syncopations" by Pandamonium 🐼
Chill vibes, great rhythm between the music and gameplay. Love seeing our creative community experiment outside the norm!
🎃🎃🎃 https://twitter.com/Nanite_News/status/1318684517113147392
Haunted Control Module @planetside2 https://t.co/HDT5x5KCMP
@GranDemo2 @Moukass1 @RoguePlanetSD @jgolenbo Can help.
@planetside2: Maintenance is a wrap and all PC servers are unlocking now!
Thanks for your patience, soldiers 🙏
Maintenance is a wrap and all PC servers are unlocking now!
ALERT: PC servers will come down tomorrow, Tues Oct 20, at 6am PT (3pm CEST) for the new game update along with necessary server maintenance. Downtime is expected to last 3 hours. ✒️ https://t.co/38fG682uEx https://t.co/u0tP33BKpd
REMINDER: All PC servers will come down in 1 hour (6am PT) for the new game update. Downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours.
@planetside2: ALERT: PC servers will come down tomorrow, Tues Oct 20, at 6am PT (3pm CEST) for the new game update along with necessary…
ALERT: PC servers will come down tomorrow, Tues Oct 20, at 6am PT (3pm CEST) for the new game update along with necessary server maintenance.
Downtime is expected to last 3 hours.
@CAMIKAZE78 On Nov 2nd, Auraxis should be wiped clean of all the remaining Halloween 2020 spoops... In the meantime, event didn't get published to PTS, so that is a 100% spoop-free zone for capturing cinematic shots.
@CAMIKAZE78 Unfortunately not possible. Apologies for inundating you with so much spoops 😢
@HibanaCavana Not on our watch 🦾
@DejaVuDarkmist: Need to get these campaign missions done!
More @planetside2 Immediately
@CAMIKAZE78: Definitely one of my favourite shots from yesterday's filming session!
🎮 - #Planetside2, Connery Server
@CAMIKAZE78: The @planetside2 Connery Bastion Smash was nothing short of incredible.
I made the call to the community for assistance wi…
@ArsheeTv: Going live to shout cast a MASSIVE AIRCRAFT BATTLE on Server: Connery
Game: @planetside2
With my good friend @CAMIKAZE78 l…