@Baby_Boyyyyy @WrelPlays No plans for the next-gen launch - of course PS5 is on our radar, though. We expect to share more news about our console plans in the upcoming months, but we have other priorities right now for both PS4 and PC that we don't want to drop or delay.
@PS2Battles 😍🙌
@N7jpicard: Finished the new Shattered Warpgate Missions on @planetside2... Be sure to finish it as there are some unlocks that will hel…
Going live with Shoctor and Aeflic here in about 20 minutes on #planetside2
@planetside2: We're excited to share that @RoguePlanetSD is starting our first @ExtraLife4Kids team!
Team is open to ALL - devs, commun…
FYI - a fix for this was just published to the Live servers. Its a small, client-only download. If you're already in-game, you'll just need to exit and patch to get the changes. #planetside2
@AndySites @planetside2 @WrelPlays Are you all aware of the AE Confetti horn on tanks not working? There is no joyous burst of confetti nor are there any rave lights. I've been able to befriend 0 enemy infiltrators since my confetti canon broke :(
@Thecandyman881 @RoguePlanetSD @ExtraLife4Kids @radychildrens Good idea! We'll give folks a hot minute to sign up - probably do something a little closer to Game Day (Nov 7) once folks get the ball rolling on their fundraising efforts.
@ExtraLife4Kids @RoguePlanetSD @radychildrens 🥰 🥰 🥰
@WrelPlays: Gonna be sitting down with Shoctor and Aeflic to talk about nerd stuff later today. #planetside2
@RoguePlanetSD: Excited to be launching our first-ever @ExtraLife4Kids team!
Team membership will be open to both RPG employeees and co…
Excited to be launching our first-ever @ExtraLife4Kids team!
Team membership will be open to both RPG employeees and community members - we hope you'll join up with us!
We're excited to share that @RoguePlanetSD is starting our first @ExtraLife4Kids team! Team is open to ALL - devs, community, friends & family. Were playing for @radychildrens and will have prizes, events, & more. Join us #ForTheKids, soldiers! 🙏 Intel: https://t.co/nO4Wi0r6sq https://t.co/4ZW56yR23v
We're excited to share that @RoguePlanetSD is starting our first @ExtraLife4Kids team!
Team is open to ALL - devs, community, friends & family. Were playing for @radychildrens and will have prizes, events, & more. Join us #ForTheKids, soldiers! 🙏
Gonna be sitting down with Shoctor and Aeflic to talk about nerd stuff later today. #planetside2
Big podcast featuring Planetside 2’s Lead Game Designer @WrelPlays tonight at 9PM EST / 6PM PST @ https://t.co/RO0fn7rq70 !
@ItsTechnoTV_: Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy more to talk about on This week of Let’s Talk PS2 When I have the European Players join the s…
Actually, interesting you mention the PS4 update. The group of @RoguePlanetSD devs started working on it last Friday. We are targeting a live release of the Shattered Warpgate update to PS4 the week of Oct 26th. Though we will have a better handle on final date later next week.
@AndySites @RoguePlanetSD Good morning, hope y’all are doing fantastic. Any idea when y’all are gonna able to start working on the PS4 update? Ik there’s still the touch ups with pc and all just curious and excited. Have an absolutely wonderful day, love y’all and stay safe.
Players: Damn it leave Esamir open 24/7! Also Players: Damn it Esamir is open too much!
Just disabled Esamir's auto-unlock functionality. You'll need to fight to open the continent from here on out. #planetside2
@PauPcpcpc Mid-next week is our current timeline, but we'll let you know more early next week.
@NathanielFackl1 General issues, can leave a comment here or on the forums or Reddit. Particular issues are better handled by opening a ticket with our CS team.