@ArsheeTv: Super Hyped for Cobalt Clash tomorrow at 11:00 am (PDT)
Don't Miss it! #planetside2 @planetside2
@SiegfriedKnight Hey, glad to hear it!
@planetside2suck Please check now. The sale should show up for you now.
@SGTMile Please check now. The sale should show up for you now.
@dbrenuk Please check now. The sale should show up for you now.
@dbrenuk We're looking into that issue now.
@SGTMile We'll be fixing that up shortly.
Today is the last day to get your favorite infantry cosmetic at 40% OFF! Which is your favorite armor set? 🪖 #PlanetSide2
@CAMIKAZE78: Attachments got a pretty big shakeup in @planetside2 in the Arsenal Update. So, how do you best improve your weapons?
@Kwebb1021 Nah, fixed that.
@PaulDziadzio We need to track this Not Me person down. This has to end.
@Larkin563 The choice we've been making is to slowly renovate the UI over time. You see that work with the missions and outfit screens thus far. We don't have the resources to totally revamp the UI in a single go, so this is the next best option for a game this old.
@Sim8081 Yarr. The collisions there are fixed, among other bug fixes.
Some changes to the Main Nav coming in the next update, you'll see these on PTS later this week. Should address the main concerns that've been brought up. #planetside2
@Cobalt_ClashPS2: Since we're getting so many of these I am going to put them together into a thread for easy reference, I'll keep updat…
40% Off Infantry Gear now through May 13th. Get decals, helmets and more at a discount. Let's see your favorite helmet! #PlanetSide2 🪖
Got a cool screenshot you'd like to share? Show us in the comments below!📸by SPECTRAL #PlanetSide2
@Vertigo101 Can you record this and share with us if it happens again?