@Rand0mVillain We're looking into the G15 issue on Emerald, thank you for your patience.
@scorcher646 Thank you, we're taking a look.
🚨Zone Restarts are underway🚨 This restart will address the following: 👉Infinite afterburners 👉Zoom optics game crashes Please restart your game to see the new fixes. Expand your arsenal with the 40% Off Infantry Weapons sale also happening now. #PlanetSide2
Have fixes for the zone crashing (and infinite afterburners) coming with some rolling zone restarts here soon. The official @planetside2 channel will tweet out when we actually start that process. #planetside2
@WrelPlays: Looks like servers are taking a dump. Definitely some "don't play on patch day" shenanigans going on at the moment. We'll le…
Looks like servers are taking a dump. Definitely some "don't play on patch day" shenanigans going on at the moment. We'll let you know when it's sorted. #planetside2
🪖Arsenal Update is Live!🪖 All servers are online. Get the Patch Notes here: See you on the battlefield, soldier! #PlanetSide2
@Caligan76 The training wheels come off today. 💪
@nertynoer Greetings, sorry you are experiencing this error. Please reach out to our support team for further assistance.
@planetside2: 🚨Arsenal Update - PC Update 3/30🚨 👉New empire-specific weapons. 👉800+ weapon attachments. 👉New empire-specific basilisks a…
🚨Arsenal Update - PC Update 3/30🚨 👉New empire-specific weapons. 👉800+ weapon attachments. 👉New empire-specific basilisks and more! PC Maintenance begins 3/30 6AM PT / 3PM CEST. Downtime ~ 2hrs. #PlanetSide2 Get the Patch Notes here:
@HyeaksVers Greetings! While we are looking into these reports on latency issues on Connery, please send a ticket to our customer support team with the following info: Timeline of occurrence, in game activity at time of occurrence and your place of origin. Thanks!
@IpdanCobalt Is this some stalker cloaker hiding while placing that object, or is there another exploit going on as well?
What Magrider loadout do you equip before heading to battle?👽 #PlanetSide2
@Ian35515223 PC, we'll post update news for PS4 at a later time.
@planetside2: 🪖 Arsenal Update Arrives 3/30 🪖 New basilisks, weapon attachments, weapons and more! Learn about the Arsenal Update here:…