We are looking into the connection issues with the soltech server at this time. #planetside2
@MasterJiraiyaTR Greetings, please contact our CS team so they can assist you further:
@CrenVerdis Greetings! Please reach out to our customer support team here for further assistance:
Oshur PTS Banners have been delivered to participants of our Oshur playtest. Thank you for your patience and testing assistance, soldiers. 🪖 #PlanetSide2
📈Members get Double XP today through 2/27! 📈 Learn about Daybreak All-Access membership here: #PlanetSide2
All-Access members get Double XP starting tomorrow 2/25 through 2/27! 📈 Learn about Daybreak All-Access membership here: #PlanetSide2
🚨Server Maintenance Tonight🚨 Emerald and Jaeger PC servers will be down for a routine server maintenance tonight starting at 12AM PST. / 9AM CET. 2/24. Expected downtime is ~ 2hrs. #PlanetSide2
The 2⃣'s have been spotted. Show us your 2/22/22 from the game today! #Twosday #PlanetSide2
The 2⃣'s have been spotted. Show us your 2/2/22 from the game today! #Twosday #PlanetSide2
@deegthoughts: Thanks @WrelPlays looking forward to the next 3 hours!
@deegthoughts Thanks for having me! Was a fun conversation.
🚐40% Off Vehicle Cosmetics🚙 Trick out your ride with your favorite vehicle cosmetics! Check the depot for the discount. 👍#PlanetSide2
We've got a handle on some of the issues preventing deployables placing in water, and a few construction items not being placeable at all. That, and some QoL fixes for smaller deployables will make their way into the next update. #planetside2
⭐️Patriot Camo⭐️ Celebrate #PresidentsDay with a Patriot Camo for your TR, NC, VS and NSO soldiers. Available now in the Depot! Which do you like the most? #PlanetSide2
@WrelPlays: This is happening riiiiiight meow: #planetside2 @deegthoughts
This is happening riiiiiight meow: #planetside2 @deegthoughts
Gonna be chatting with @deegthoughts here in abouuuuut 30 minutes! Join us at: #planetside2
@mmobomb: Man, @planetside2 fans have to be very happy lately...and here's what the team has planned for the year:
@Powergamer0071 @planetside2 These shots are gorgeous.