@vancleash @planetside2 PTS will unlock with Oshur to all players on the 13th. Official playtests will occur during the provided timeslots.
🚨 PC & PS4 Hotfix 1/13🚨 🛠️Auraximas missions and sanctuary decorations removal ~ 2hr Downtime. PC Details: 1/13 6am PT / 3pm CET PS4 Details: 1/13 8am PT / 5pm CET #PlanetSide2
Yeah, Oshur is cool, but... #planetside2
@planetside2: Oshur public playtesting begins tomorrow! Learn more from today's Dev Letter by Lead Designer @WrelPlays #PlanetSide2 htt…
Oshur public playtesting begins tomorrow! Learn more from today's Dev Letter by Lead Designer @WrelPlays #PlanetSide2
Want to improve your ESF flying skills? Check out this in-depth guide by Hader. 🛩️#PlanetSide2
Here are more Cadet Bundles! 🎫=7 46🎫R-JNA6-DJC4-MTGD-HM2T GG🎫3-Z3HG-3TCC-M9TC-HFDK NJ🎫9-2A7U-47CE-3A4D-7AXK RZ🎫P-R6XG-C6CF-3KMP-DGMR J2🎫J-DF64-ERCT-GG4X-U43R #PlanetSide2
@Patrizi02029249 Try resetting your voice chat from the options>game settings menu screen.
@JonasChupp We are working to send out those emails shortly, thanks for your patience. 👍
Enjoy a Cadet Bundle! Another round will be posted at 12am PT tonight. 🪖=7 M3🪖A-C3ZG-MACN-9ZTM-FEAF V4🪖A-EH2F-NZCP-2XMH-XGHP PC🪖3-F2RF-P3CK-T6VR-4C2H DE🪖F-TXD4-KRC9-XNZT-EJ4G HF🪖4-MC3M-9RCA-GPTD-6MAZ
Got a screenshot you'd like to share? Tag us here or upload on Steam for a possible showcase. 🎨by LaBaggins #PlanetSide2
PS4 EU servers are back online, thank you for your patience.
We are looking into connection issues with the PS4 EU servers at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. #PlanetSide2