2 months ago - Zoythrus™ - Direct link

Hey Polytopians!

If you were playing on our beta branch for the past few weeks, you probably know all about Weekly Challenges. If you haven't, let's give you a rundown on what Weekly Challenges are!

What are these "Weak Challenges"? Haha, no, "Weekly", as in, every week we'll be giving all players the exact same seed to play with in this all-new single-player challenge! After you've played 5 regular games, you'll be able to jump into Weekly Challenges. There, we give everyone the same landmass, same tribe, same opponents, etc, and you'll have the entire week to get the highest score you can! You'll only get one chance to play it per day, so that's 7 total tries!

But why would I want to play the same thing over and over again? Bragging rights? Personal accomplishment? Oh, yeah, LEAGUES!

There are 4 leagues that you can join based on how well you did in the previous week.
When you first play Weekly Challenges, you're placed in the Entry League. After you leave it, you'll never be able to demote back to it. After that, there's Bronze -> Silver -> Gold Leagues as well! Every week, the top 1/3rd of players will move up a League, the bottom 1/3rd of players will move down a League, and the final 1/3rd keeps their spot. Don't worry, you won't be demoted if you don't play for a week, this only applies if you attempted a Weekly Challenge. What happens if you get top 1/3rd in Gold League? You get to wait for us to realize that we should have probably added more Leagues....

Everyone will still use the same seed and settings regardless of League, but the difficulty of the bots will be adjusted per League, starting with Easy in Entry and ending with Crazy in Gold.

What else should I know about Weekly Challenges?
  • You do not need to own the tribe or skin that you're playing with in a Weekly Challenge. Think of it like, a sneak-preview of what a tribe or skin is like.
  • To keep things fast and to encourage quick maximization of points, we've reduced all Weekly Challenge matches to 20 turns. Normal games are untouched.
  • You'll see this little symbol telling you that a new Weekly Challenge has started, but only if you played the week before.
Now what? What are you waiting for?! Go show us your skills, as Weekly Challenges are available for all to play!

Or you could watch this video....and then play!
