9 days
ago -
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Hey Polytopians!
We're introducing Weekly Challenges, which are repeatable single-player games where everyone uses the same seed and settings! There will be a leaderboard every week, so now you have a new way to test your skills and show the world your Polytopia-prowess!
Here's how this works:
- Every week, a new single-player challenge will be available to everyone, regardless of platform
- The game will always be Perfection with a reduced turn limit (20 turns).
- The Weekly Challenge will be the same for everyone, so, same tribe, same opponents, same seed. You don't need to own a particular tribe or skin to be able to play that week's challenge
- The banner at the top of the menu will show you what tribe you'll be playing with
- You can attempt the Weekly Challenge multiple times
- Your best attempt that week will be put up on the leaderboard for all to see
As usual, to join the beta, just follow these steps:
- Right-click Polytopia in your Steam Library
- Click the "Properties" tab on the dropdown
- Head to the "Betas" tab on the popup
- Use the beta access code "polytopiabetatesters" to get in
We look forward to seeing what you think about these new Weekly Challenges!