

08 Mar

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you played 5 regular games? The button won't appear until you've played the game a few times normally.

05 Mar

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, we can tell you that if you click and hold the next turn button, it'll cycle to unused units.

10 Feb

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They used to train Cloaks a lot when they were first added.

And then people complained.

So they still do, just a lot less.

31 Jan

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The competitive community tends to agree that Bardur is actually the strongest. No joke.

15 Jan

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Okay, so take any idea that is directly based on an existing IP and throw it out. We're not risking copyright infringement just to make a tribe.

Hey Polytopians!

If you were playing on our beta branch for the past few weeks, you probably know all about Weekly Challenges. If you haven't, let's give you a rundown on what Weekly Challenges are!

What are these "Weak Challenges"? Haha, no, "Weekly", as in, every week we'll be giving all players the exact same seed to play with in this all-new single-player challenge! After you've played 5 regular games, you'll be able to jump into Weekly Challenges. There, we give everyone the same landmass, same tribe, same opponents, etc, and you'll have the entire week to get the highest score you can! You'll only get one chance to play it per day, so that's 7 total tries!

But why would I want to play the same thing over and over a... Read more

01 Jan

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, the Aquarion Forgotten skin has been released for a little while now. Have you tried verifying files or reinstalling the game?

If those don't work, can you confirm that you do, in fact, own the DLC?

If so, please send us an email at [email protected] with screenshots and we'll see what we can do.

26 Nov

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Poisoned does 2 things:

Removes any defensive bonuses, so "Fortify" or the defense bonus from terrain is negated
Causes a defense penalty. Off the top of my head, I think it's 50% Defense.

Ultimately, it makes units easier to kill by lowering their defense

19 Nov

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is common and tends to resolve itself on its own. If it doesn't fix itself, let me know by mailing me at [email protected]

13 Nov

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The game already has farmers. They're called "Zebasi".

29 Oct

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

So, buying a tribe is only required for the mobile version of the game. The Steam version should have multiplayer from the start.

Now, normally, this sort of issue tends to clear up on its own, but sometimes it doesn't. How long have you been unable to connect?

06 Oct

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1. Yes, the game comes bundled with all the Regular tribes

2. It's turn based, and on mobile, they'll get notifications for their turn.

3. Yes, Steam, iOS, and Android can play with each other

09 Sep

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Perfection gamemode has a leaderboard (and we track your scores in Domination), so we have to keep the settings consistent for all players.

We added Creative Mode so that people could customize their games. You can still play Perfection or Domination in Creative Mode, so it is effectively what you're asking for - the power to play on a map size independent from the number of players.

07 Sep

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Flytrap: I dont want the bot number to choose the size for me. I want to change the size independently of how bots im playing against.
That's why we have Creative Mode.
    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Flytrap: Its interesting that on mobile however, you cannot play against *any* tribe you dont own, which is quite stupid in my opinion.
Not true, sometimes the Luxidoor will show up in games even if you don't own them, but that's more of an Easter Egg.

05 Sep

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We literally just added content.

02 Sep

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by simon: For some reason after playing 5 or 6 turns my game starts to slowdown. Very noticeable during animations etc. This behaviour is very strange as I've played for a fairly long time (150 hrs) and it's only recently started behaving this way. I haven't changed my PC / graphics card etc. Tried rebooting and the same thing keeps happening. Any suggestions?
Make sure you have gotten all of your updates, prioritizing graphics card drivers and OS updates.

23 Aug

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Adjustment to the Aquarion tribe:
- Start with water movement, an amphibious mermaid warrior and the ability to build any land improvement on water, but no specific tech
- Terrain is Flooded by default and allows movement for both water and land units
- Flooded tiles counts as rough terrain for Naval units
- All land units are now amphibious
- Naval units are replaced with sea creatures:
- Scout ship replaced by Shark that has “Surprise” ability, 3 attack and 2 defense
- Bomber replaced by Jelly that damage all nearby units
- Roads are replaced by Atolls that connect to all cities within 3 tiles
- Ability to flood tiles to create trade networks and waterways
- Access to Aquacrop resource and Aquafarm improvement
- Water ruins give you a Lost City if the placement is valid for a city
- Burn forest replaced with “Fertilize” that create crop on flooded fields
- Tridention get “Persist” ability instead o... Read more
    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

- Updated Unity IAP to latest version

14 Aug

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As of this moment, we have no plans to add Workshop support.