about 16 hours
ago -
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Welcome, Park Managers!
In this small fix patch we are targeting a couple of the more egregious animal bugs, leaving the game in a more stable state until the next major update (Update 14) is released. Enjoy!
Full Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Critical
- Fixed a systemic bug that caused the following bug after removing any animal:
- Animals to either step in place or walk through things
- Animal LOD to be incorrect
- Animal needs to stop being updated
- Animals to either step in place or walk through things
- Fixed a bug in the animal animation system that could cause animals to use the wrong animations (this could affect which direction and how animals moved)
- Fixed navigation settings being set wrong causing some areas not to register as navigable incorrectly (This will cause a nav rebake on load for most people!)
- Fixed corrupted animal animation data that would cause some animals to get stuck swimming
- Fixed a regression in animal path following that would cause them to get stuck often
- Fixed a GUI tooltip exception that could have caused downstream effects
- Fixed a systemic bug that caused the following bug after removing any animal:
- Fixed structure menu tag button text spelling ‘Action’ when opening the menu for the first time