

20 Jan

    Mau on Steam - Thread - Direct

Welcome, Park Managers!

In this small fix patch we are targeting a couple of the more egregious animal bugs, leaving the game in a more stable state until the next major update (Update 14) is released. Enjoy!

Full Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
  • Critical
    • Fixed a systemic bug that caused the following bug after removing any animal:
      • Animals to either step in place or walk through things
      • Animal LOD to be incorrect
      • Animal needs to stop being updated
    • Fixed a bug in the animal animation system that could cause animals to use the wrong animations (this could affect which direction and how animals moved)
    • ...
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17 Jan

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, we would love to bring multiple scenarios back into the game, but that will be further down the line, closer to full release!
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, obviously with the game still in development, it can't possibly feel like a full game yet. We're working to get there though!

In the last few months we've added more management features such as a logistic import/production system, and a staff/employee system. As we keep balancing these features, we'll keep integrating them more deeply into the core loop so that so they feel even more meaningful.

This year we have plans to improve the animal AI, as well as add some of the first rides in the game. By next year the game should feel much more complete!
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, you should be getting little pointer graphics that highlight the places in the GUI where things are! Were you not getting that?

07 Nov

    Mau on Steam - Thread - Direct

Welcome, Park Managers!

This hotfix fixes issues such as animals not eating from feeders, crashes, and some critical save/load issues.

Please send your feedback and bug reports to our Discord server's[] appropriate channel. Thank you!

Full Patch Notes
  • Animals
    • Reduced amount of time it takes animals to get dry after emerging from bodies of water
Bug... Read more

30 Jun

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, we've been adding a lot of features over the last few months, and some times it can get a little tough to keep track of all of them. We'll be doing a lot of balancing and general game-mode refining in the following couple weeks, and have an update out which should address your issues, among other things.

26 Jun

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, we are currently working on a much more interactive and intuitive tutorial system than the old, deprecated one (it was disabled due to no longer being in line with the current game mechanics). We expect it will be done by Update 12 or 13!

21 Nov

    Mau on Steam - Thread - Direct

Welcome, Park Managers!

This patch addresses a number of issues for the Public Test Branch version of the game with some notable changes regarding animals and various performance improvements. Please continue to send feedback and bug reports to our Discord server's[] appropriate channel, it's been an immense help!

We expect to publish Update 8 to all players early into this sale with further fixes and performance improvements, while we work hard on Update 9, to be released during the Holiday Season.

Full Patch Notes ... Read more

17 Mar

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, thanks for the report. I'm assuming you're playing on a laptop where LMB and RMB hold is important for camera movement? Either way, I'm gonna take a look at this and fix it asap.
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, thanks for your feedback!

We're a smaller team, so the pace of progress isn't as blazing fast as we would like, but we are actively addressing these issues to heighten the playing experience. Here's what we are doing concretely:

-We're internally undergoing a complete guest art overhaul - this includes models, audio, and animation. So while they don't currently play any specific animations when using visitor specific structures, we are going to update them in the near future to have all the animations you would naturally expect (sitting on benches, pointing out animals, using binoculars, etc.)

-The guests currently do use structures and view animals, but as per the first point, they don't play any animation, which makes them seem as if they weren't using those points in the first place. The art overhaul will address this implicitly.

-Staff is coming later down the line, and with them, specific staff structures

Hope this helps clar... Read more
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, we're actually gonna update this soon!

16 Mar

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, thanks for the feedback! We're fixing this issue right now, and pushing out an update very soon! Stay tuned!

01 Mar

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Realistically you are correct, however we've gone with cash because that makes it very easy to visualize the current donated amount at a glance

26 Feb

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, sorry to hear about this. We're gonna be putting another economy/guest AI balancing patch on the public testing branch in a couple days, hopefully that should fix this for you

20 Feb

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, thanks for your feedback, we're glad to hear you're having a better experience with the game now than at launch!

On the topic of UI bugs, I am always fixing as many as possible, especially on the excavations unlocking front, although those are especially hard to track down. We're hoping to make things more stable with each passing release.

You'll also be happy to know that we've recently been giving our costs and general economy a bit of a balancing pass, as things are not forgiving enough, especially in the early game at the moment. Continued player feedback is really important in this regard, since you guys are best at letting us know what works and what doesn't.

Thank you for the support and patience!

30 Oct

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for reporting, we'll be looking into this issue.
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I was fixing some tutorial bugs new players were reporting, nothing super relevant :)

22 Sep

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, I've recently managed to fix this issue, and it will be rolled out in a small update in the next few days!

20 Jun

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You're absolutely right, our guests suck right now! We hope to be able to improve them going forward, hopefully you'll see some nice updates on their visuals in the coming months!

20 May

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, the next update is scheduled for the end of this month should all things go as planned (we were stuck with hotixes for a little longer than we expected, so there's always a chance the update might be pushed to early June).

The update is scheduled to contain the bulk of the features appearing on our Trello roadmap. Exact date should be announced in the coming week!