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Now every operators with abilities got crosshairs for guns,instead of what they should be.It's simply 4 white lines.
I can't upload the images,but you can see the bug easily by using operators like Capitao,Zofia,Doc and Pulse.
This is a bug and happens every time.

almost 3 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@goose-andduck Hey there! Thanks for reaching out about the crosshairs. Have you attempted to adjust your settings in the game to see if there are any improvements?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey there @goose-andduck, thank you for taking the time to get back in touch and share those images, I appreciate it. I will gladly forward the information you have shared over to the development team so that they can take a closer look into it. Just for clarity, am I correct in thinking that you believe those white crosshairs should not appear on those images?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey again @goose-andduck, thank you for taking the time to get back to me. I understand that these crosshairs do not show up on Siege. I have gone ahead and forwarded the information you have shared over to our development team so that they can take a closer look into it. If any future changes are to be made to the game regarding your report, it will be shared over in our News & Announcements section.

If you have any questions or run into any other issues, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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