Original Post — Direct link


could you please fix the price of the Auto Turret since it cost 9 while it's supposed to be 10, and make it retro active since I already bought it, please?
It bothers me because all shop items cost end either with 0 or 5, and I can't go back to 0 or 5 on my REACT credit after I've bought this turret, only 6 or 1.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @mylliah I have had a look at the store and the Auto Turret is currently showing a price of 10 RC and not 9 RC as you mentioned.

However, I have checked your account and can see that you did purchase it for 9 RC.

Can you confirm if the price showed as 9 RC when you purchased it or was it showing as 10 RC but only deducted 9 RC from your balance?

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