over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by SlipperyPete: Is there a way to determine who initiates a vote kick to report griefing? This quick match vote kick for no reason is getting ridiculous.

Why is this game so toxic?

There is no way to find out who initiates votes, but our team is aware of the frustration our solo players experience when getting kicked by stacked teams. How often would you say this happens? Do you join a game in progress and they kick you out then?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Crafty: How about you just take the vote system out? at least see what happens for casual.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. The system is in place to help remove griefers of all forms, and while there are some who abuse the system, there are those who use it as intended, and removing Vote to Kick altogether could end up having a negative impact on the game.