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So as we all know legendary skins are supposed to be the top tier, you aren't supposed to have many, right? so why do they all look so... underwhelming?

I have a suggestion to fix this: Animated Weapon Skins

So What do I mean by this? well, let's take Kaid's Aug A3 skin, "Algae Fin" it's green with a bit of coral, not very legendary in my opinion... Why not, instead, have it release bubbles periodically? or perhaps when he reloads, bubbles pour out of the mag well? I think that'd make it feel a little more fulfilling to get a legendary skin. Think about a squid skin, with tentacles wriggling around, or hell, maybe you can get a skin so crazy it barely looks like the gun anymore? I know some people would argue that this ruins immersion and is unrealistic but it's gotten to that point in Siege that realism can be ignored periodically, especially considering that theses skins are supposed to be the top tier, rarest skins in the game, what are your guy's thoughts on this? would love to hear some feedback.
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by Father_Argo
So as we all know legendary skins are supposed to be the top tier, you aren't supposed to have many, right? so why do they all look so... underwhelming?

I have a suggestion to fix this: Animated Weapon Skins

So What do I mean by this? well, let's take Kaid's Aug A3 skin, "Algae Fin" it's green with a bit of coral, not very legendary in my opinion... Why not, instead, have it release bubbles periodically? or perhaps when he reloads, bubbles pour out of the mag well? I think that'd make it feel a little more fulfilling to get a legendary skin. Think about a squid skin, with tentacles wriggling around, or hell, maybe you can get a skin so crazy it barely looks like the gun anymore? I know some people would argue that this ruins immersion and is unrealistic but it's gotten to that point in Siege that realism can be ignored periodically, especially considering that theses skins are supposed to be the top tier, rarest skins in the game, what are your guy's thoughts on this? would love to hear some feedback.
I absolutely love this idea! I'm not sure how difficult it is to crunch that in from a developer standpoint, but it's definitely a cool concept!