almost 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
The team is working on making changes to the Vote to Kick system. There have been numerous threads from players saying they're being unfairly kicked by squads, so our team is looking into alternatives to help prevent this from happening.
almost 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by v^v^v^v^√\/: Well, is it not that hard to implement proper vote kick.
You just need to set some conditions and if none of those conditions were met then you can't vote kick player.
Some example conditions:
- he team-killed someone
- he destroyed friendly equipment more than once
- he is idle for more than 30 seconds.

IDK why Ubisoft is not doing this.
From programming POV it's very easy to do, you just need to set flag when some condition happens and check those flags before initiating vote-kick.

The team is currently looking at improvements and alternatives to the Vote to Kick system and are hoping to have it out by Y5S4.