Original Post — Direct link
I was playing against a blatant cheater.
His name is [Name and Shame] when I was looking at the replays i could clearly see that he was looking at me thru the walls.
He was also trying to shoot me thru walls that are not breachable, when entering a breachable surface he quickly aimed at the surface and started firing.
Even though he didn't have any drones/cams left and I could clearly see that he was not looking at cams before shooting me.
This problem has occurred several times to me and it wont stop, I always see cheaters but this one was just the last straw.
Please help me in some way with [Name and Shame] and may the people that have played ranked with him get their points back.
As I was asking for how he knew that I was there he just said that he played the map before the rewamp, as i clearly know this information is false.
Thank you
over 3 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Please follow the guidelines for reporting players here! It can definitely be annoying to eal with cheating in game , and we hear this echoed frequently throughout the community, but in order for the cheater to be processed, we need to have a full investigation into the incident, and these reports can be very helpful for that! Thank you!