over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Tengku_Razin: The new recoil buff to her primary weapon has basically made it a laser. Put an angled grip and compensator on it and you are pretty much golden. Jager always had high damage per bullet primary weapon which means you don't have to go for headshots and just go for ez body shots to frag out.

But with Ela, she now has a laser gun, fast aim down sight time, and high rate of fire meaning the headshot lottery will always give you the upper hand. Not to mention, her grzmot mines are really powerful and has no realistic counters apart from Twitch.

I know it's too early to tell but I have a feeling that Ela has now dethroned Jager as the best operator in the game.

Bandit would like a word. :(