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Game 1: teammate leaves after 1rst round
Game 2: teammate leaves after 1rst round
Game 3: score is 0.2 and 2 teammates leave (squad)

Game 4:level 61 dude that literally has no idea what he is doing, diffuser is planted, he is sittinf in a corner accross the entire map, score was 0,3. He literally lost the game for us. Major come back.

Game 5: score was 0.2 and some idiot jist trew a c4 and bombed the whole team, score 0.3 everyone votes surrender, i decline, i get team killed.

Game 6: game started 4vs5 and game continued like that because no one voted to stop the game.

And throughout all that i still won 4 games and lost 6.

AND THAT is what determined my rank 😂 wow.
about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Game 1: teammate leaves after 1rst round
Game 2: teammate leaves after 1rst round
Game 3: score is 0.2 and 2 teammates leave (squad)

Game 4:level 61 dude that literally has no idea what he is doing, diffuser is planted, he is sittinf in a corner accross the entire map, score was 0,3. He literally lost the game for us. Major come back.

Game 5: score was 0.2 and some idiot jist trew a c4 and bombed the whole team, score 0.3 everyone votes surrender, i decline, i get team killed.

Game 6: game started 4vs5 and game continued like that because no one voted to stop the game.

And throughout all that i still won 4 games and lost 6.

AND THAT is what determined my rank wow.
Tha's unfortunate to hear, especially since Match Cancellation came out yesterday. How have your Ranked games gone since then?
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Terrible, from DDOS to hackers, to idiots trying to loose on purpose to derank. Team killing. Toxicity. Unmatched match making. This season is literally terrible, I've never been DDOSED so constantly until this season. Wow

and match Cancellation, DOES NOT WORK.
I had 2 people leave in ban phase and NOWHERE was there a match cancellation button, all 3 of us tried to cancel the match and could not figure it out *♂️ The feature is not there, sad that Ubi would lie about something like that.
I still personally think if you leave a ranked game you should be banned for the day.
Hey Lyf, are you consistently not seeing this is a certain matchmaking queue?