over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Linlin: since ranked match requires level 50 in the next update, it's not enough to get rid of smurfers and cheaters. also the unranked matches needs to increase as well due to new players instantly queue unranked match without knowing game mechanics which is annoying.

my suggestion, we should increase unranked match to level 50 (until they can't do Newcomer match anymore). and ranked should be level 80 with 100 matches minimum. also rank between gold and plats should have minimum level requirements between 150-200 and 300-500 matches minimum.

what do you guys think?
We won't know for sure until it's live and out there. If the clearance level requirement for ranked needs to be increased to make it even harder for smurfs and cheaters to get into Ranked, I could see a scenario where it's increased further. For now, we'll be monitoring conversations around this, and I'll be sure to bring your concern up to the team. Thank you for the feedback!