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What're peoples thoughts on going to a 6v6 instead of 5v5. Some of the maps would start to feel kind of cramped for sure but that could be slowly changed as we get more reworks.

Just with the Rainbow 6 Quarantine being a 3 player game it would allow teams to split evenly into 2 rather than have either 1 person sit out when they go back to siege, or 2 people matching with randoms in Quarantine.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by volkof21
Personally I'm not against the thought of an extra operator on each team.
It would be better for assigning roles in the team
2 Anchors,2 lurkers, 2 roamers/2 Fraggers, 2 support,2 Flexi etc.
But 5 makes the team work all the more important because of the potential for having an unbalanced team.
Thanks for the feedback! Turning Siege into a 6v6 would be a pretty major change for the game and its current state. I wonder how many other people in the community would feel about that kind of change.