almost 4 years
ago -
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Originally posted by Quantum: I don't play ranked because of my anxiety issues, and toxic teammates + constant stress doesn't make it any better. But I want to improve in the game to a high plat level or so. So should I play ranked and experience a high level of constant anxiety, or should I play unraked and never get to an actual high level?
(I mainly solo-q, and when I did play ranked I always reached gold2-gold1, but I only would play about 20 matches per season)
I think Unranked is a great way for those who are interested in playing Ranked to get acclimated to what Ranked play is like. It's a great way to learn proper Ranked callouts, the speed of the game, default set ups/pushes, etc.
If anything, I believe playing Unranked can make you a better player overall.