over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally posted by Meranius: 3m away with shotgun aimed at head = no hit
20m away with Pistol = headshot in less then 1 second after spotting
This sounds related to our new limb penetration system.[rainbow6.ubisoft.com]

Arrows from capitao fly through enemy and hit anything other but no enemy
Any specific videos? As mentioned, it is possible the enemy dodged it.

aimed at head with any weapon 50/50 chance if the bullet hit or not. rng jesus ftw.
For hit registration reports, we really encourage players to submit reports to our Support Portal[support.ubi.com] for review. Often times, it turns out the issue is related to high ping the player was experiencing, but there have been a few outliers as well. Overall, hit registration reports should be submitted with a video to support.

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