over 3 years ago - Ubi_Frog - Direct link

You can find here the updates and fixes made over the course of the Y6S4 Test Server. For the full High Calibre Patch Notes, follow the link below.
High Calibre Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/highcalibre

Y6S4 PATCH SIZE Find the download sizes for each platform below.
  • Ubisoft Connect: 5.36 GB
  • Steam: 4.8 GB
  • Xbox One: 4.08 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 4.31 GB
  • PS4: 4.38 GB
  • PS5: 4.10 GB

  • Decreased the compass size.
  • Automatically dim the Action Reminder opacity while in ADS.
  • Added an opacity slider for Action Reminders in the HUD Options menu.
  • Added the option to choose an Advanced or Simplified compass in the HUD Options menu.

GAMEPLAY FIXED – Total ammo count is incorrect on some weapons.
FIXED – Movement speed while using ADS upside down is faster than right side up during Rappel.
FIXED – Changing sensitivity mid-game removes the ability to look in any direction while in ADS.
FIXED – Assist is not counted for the player that injures an opponent if a teammate puts the opponent in DBNO and then eliminates them.
FIXED – Barbed wire can be destroyed by allies when friendly fire is off.
FIXED – Muffled sound on some weapons.
FIXED – Some device recharging cooldowns don't get paused while in DSEG.
FIXED – Reinforcement hinges are invisible from one side and block bullets.
FIXED – Some gadgets don't break the glass window when deployed on a barricade.
FIXED – Threat indicator doesn't appear for a grenade dropped by an eliminated Operator.
FIXED – Servers prioritize putting players with a fast connection on the Attacker side during lobby creation. Attacker and Defender sides will now be chosen at random.
FIXED – In the Planning Phase, selecting Confirm Loadout with a controller also picks up the defuser or drops it.
FIXED – Grenade indicator color can be inconsistent with the level of threat.
FIXED – Crosshairs of the Bulletproof Camera are not visible for teammates and spectators.
FIXED – Electric damage won't reactivate for a device disabled by an EMP if another electric device is deployed and picked up during the EMP duration.
FIXED – Player's camera goes out-of-world after being eliminated when no drone is available.
FIXED – Laser sight remains visible while in ADS.
FIXED – Barbed wire destroys Defenders' secondary gadgets when it's deployed on top of them.
FIXED – The same controller input is used for dropping the defuser and switching ability mode.

LEVEL DESIGN FIXED – Multiple LOD and LOS issues on various maps.
FIXED – Defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on various maps.
FIXED - Exploitable gaps on various maps.
FIXED – Multiple clipping, collision, destruction, and asset issues on various maps.

FIXED – Attacker can instantly teleport down from the roof by dropping to the lower ledge and entering Rappel.

FIXED – Valkyrie's Black Eye cameras lose signal at B Central Stairs.
FIXED – Hatch gets destroyed when certain gadgets are deployed on top of it in 1F Dining Room.

FIXED – Incorrect Bombsite shown when a defuser is planted in 3F Bar and 3F c*cktail.

FIXED – Bulletproof Camera can be deployed inside of an indestructible wall at EXT Terrace Balcony.
FIXED – AI will remain stuck after spawning under the BBQ at 2F Covered Terrace in Training Grounds.
FIXED – Stairs sign is still present in 1F Reptile Hallway even though the stairs were removed.
FIXED – Player is unable to place deployable devices on the south wall of 1F Bike Repair.

FIXED – An Attacker can pass through the red banner when they rappel from EXT Shrine Balcony while carrying the hostage.

OPERATORS FIXED – Various animation issues.

FIXED – Players can throw devices through the gap between a Surya Gate and the ceiling.

FIXED – Ash's R4-C assault rifle total ammo count is incorrect.

FIXED – Ela's deployed Grzmot Mines appear in their undeployed state for a player that joins a match in progress.

FIXED – The Cluster Charge needs a larger space to deploy than intended. The reinforcement spikes and hole edges block its deployment.

FIXED – Goyo's Volcán Shield canister shells remain present after being destroyed for a player that joins a match in progress.

FIXED – Ping marker doesn't appear when IQ aims at the edge of asset if it's behind an obstacle.

FIXED – Some inputs are no longer registered when Jackal activates Eyenox at the edge of Mute's Signal Disruptor.

FIXED – LV Explosive Lance damage activates Reverse Friendly Fire when it eliminates a teammate.

FIXED – Lesion's Gu mine maximum limit is displayed as 99.

FIXED – The window of Maestro's Evil Eye closes fully when disabled by Thatcher's EMP.
FIXED – The Action Reminder of Maestro's Evil Eye appears and flickers when the camera loses signal while overheating.
FIXED – The window of Maestro's Evil Eye doesn't close automatically after losing signal while outside the building.

FIXED – Mozzie is disabled due to crashes that occur when he eliminates a player or himself.
FIXED – Mute's Signal Disruptor area of effect is visible in Support Mode for Attackers and Defenders.
FIXED – Mute's Signal Disruptor triggers multiple scores for the same gadget.

FIXED – Players are affected by Melusi's Banshee while hiding behind the Talon-8 Shield.

FIXED – Pulse's Cardiac Sensor does not appear on screen after a player joins a match in progress.

FIXED – Thorn's Razorbloom deployment effect produces cement particles regardless of the surface material.
FIXED – Multiple animation and audio issues for Thorn.
FIXED – Blades discharged from Thorn's Razorbloom Shell stick to the lens of a Bulletproof Camera.
FIXED – Thorn's Razorbloom Shells clip through one another when deployed too close together.

FIXED – Thunderbird can peek behind cover without opponents seeing her when she deploys a Kona Station.

FIXED – Valkyrie's Black Eye camera can't be picked up if it’s thrown under tight spaces.
FIXED – The gyroscope of Valkyrie's Black Eye moves while the camera is in the process of connecting.
FIXED – Valkyrie's Black Eye camera appears as disabled when a player joins a match in progress.

FIXED – Ying's Candela model briefly reappears a few seconds after being destroyed.
FIXED – Ying can deploy Candelas into a surface while in prone stance.

FIXED – Zero's smart ping is misplaced and offset when an Argus camera is placed on the ceiling.
FIXED – Laser dots appear over the sight when aiming at the sky with Zero's Argus Launcher.
FIXED – Zero's Argus camera appears as disabled when a player joins a match in progress.

USER EXPERIENCE FIXED – Compass options in the HUD section can be changed when the compass is turned off.
FIXED – Various UI issues.
FIXED – Various Match Replay issues.
FIXED – Various localization issues.
FIXED – Various audio, SFX and VFX issues.
FIXED – Various customization and Shop issues.
FIXED – Custom Playlists present some inconsistencies between cross-platform for PC and Stadia.
FIXED – Saved Customization can be reset after a patch.
FIXED – Players may encounter a crash when exiting the Loadout section of an Operator's menu.
FIXED – Backing out of the Pack Manager without opening a pack and then creating a Custom match will cause an infinite, blue loading screen after the Pick Phase.
FIXED – Alpha Packs cannot be opened using the Enter button on keyboard or X/A button on controllers.
FIXED – The game crashes after filling a text chat box with specific characters and sending the message.
FIXED – Inputs aren't displayed for the Action Reminders.
FIXED – Occasionally a squad member will not be able to hear anyone in a session on Stadia.
FIXED – Xbox players can lose all in-game audio and then crash.

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