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THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK. I'm sorry but if I spend over 1000 hours of my life playing your stupid game and it functions better and crashes less on a CONSOLE than it does on my friggin PC then you have done something wrong. Every time I log on it's not a matter of if the game will crash it's when. Will it be when it loads? Will it be when I'm warming up in T hunt? Will it be in RANKED? And then I get hit with a "Connection lost" when I try to rejoin not once, not twice, but 3 SEPARATE TIMES of closing and re opening your stupid game and then I receive a 30 MINUTE ABANDON PENALTY???? I'm sorry but did I miss the part of the terms and conditions where the game functions less than a lawnmower thrown off the golden gate bridge? Did I fail to understand that the devs would sink their time into a battle pass that not a single soul on earth wanted instead of making a game that doesn't need to flawlessly run, but at least has SOME kind of positive consistency to it? Am I just destined to crash out of every single game? Nowhere else does this happen to me. I have run Horizon 4 on the highest settings and not crashed or even gotten more than a couple frame drops, as well as Sea of Thieves, and Battlefield, and I've been streaming while doing it too! Does anyone at this company care at all about how it's run? Are we all just subject to terrible games and cash grabs constantly? Is there not a single soul that thinks 'Hey, maybe we should've looked into the fact that our game crashes more than a blind dog behind the wheel of a McLaren." And I get it, this whole "Vulkan" crap is supposed to help but every time I launch it my microphone that I paid my hard earned money for isn't allowed to be used and I can't even hear my teammates speaking. You're starting to make me want to buy EA games and that alone should tell you that this game's current state still SUCKS.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by TheScoobiestDoo
THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK. I'm sorry but if I spend over 1000 hours of my life playing your stupid game and it functions better and crashes less on a CONSOLE than it does on my friggin PC then you have done something wrong. Every time I log on it's not a matter of if the game will crash it's when. Will it be when it loads? Will it be when I'm warming up in T hunt? Will it be in RANKED? And then I get hit with a "Connection lost" when I try to rejoin not once, not twice, but 3 SEPARATE TIMES of closing and re opening your stupid game and then I receive a 30 MINUTE ABANDON PENALTY???? I'm sorry but did I miss the part of the terms and conditions where the game functions less than a lawnmower thrown off the golden gate bridge? Did I fail to understand that the devs would sink their time into a battle pass that not a single soul on earth wanted instead of making a game that doesn't need to flawlessly run, but at least has SOME kind of positive consistency to it? Am I just destined to crash out of every single game? Nowhere else does this happen to me. I have run Horizon 4 on the highest settings and not crashed or even gotten more than a couple frame drops, as well as Sea of Thieves, and Battlefield, and I've been streaming while doing it too! Does anyone at this company care at all about how it's run? Are we all just subject to terrible games and cash grabs constantly? Is there not a single soul that thinks 'Hey, maybe we should've looked into the fact that our game crashes more than a blind dog behind the wheel of a McLaren." And I get it, this whole "Vulkan" crap is supposed to help but every time I launch it my microphone that I paid my hard earned money for isn't allowed to be used and I can't even hear my teammates speaking. You're starting to make me want to buy EA games and that alone should tell you that this game's current state still SUCKS.
Hey Scoobiest, thank you for taking the time out of your day to write this up for us to see, I appreciate it.

Let's start with the crashes first. I can totally feel and understand your frustration. It's not fun when you're trying to put in time with a game and it seems to not run the way you want it to. When did you first begin experiencing these issues? Our Support team has an FAQ on PC crashes that you can view and try out here. If these don't work, I would suggest reaching out to Ubisoft Support directly for additional assistance.

Is there anything particular about the Battle Pass that you don't like, or is it the inclusion in general that you find frustrating?