over 6 years
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This code of conduct is for Rainbow Six Siege and is supplemental to the Ubisoft Terms of Use, posted here. Please refer to such terms for an in-depth breakdown of our conduct rules. Capitalized terms used in this Code of Conduct shall have the respective meanings specified in the Terms of Use.
Ubisoft cannot be held responsible for the actions or comments made by Users in the various areas of the Game, forums, or other social media outlets. Ubisoft reserves the right to remove any and all content published by a User without prior warning or notification.
We strongly advise you not to give personal or account information to anyone. This includes information that can be used to identify you (social security number, telephone number, physical address, etc.) or information that may be used to compromise your account (personal email address, answers to your security questions, etc.).
Please note that a representative of Ubisoft will never ask you for your password.
When you play the Game, you must respect other Users and their user rights. The following points will be enforced by the Ubisoft staff:
- Any suspected breach of the Code of Conduct or Terms of Use will lead to an investigation. Ubisoft reserves the right to suspend, ban, or delete any Users account without prior warning or notice.
- When using the services provided by Ubisoft, Users may not engage in or encourage any illegal behavior or communications concerning such.
- Users will follow all instructions given to them by the Ubisoft staff. Non-compliance of the User regarding any request made by a Ubisoft employee will be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct, and may lead to account suspension or revocation.
- The User will respect the rules detailed in this Code of Conduct when using the services offered by Ubisoft and the Game. The following list of forbidden conduct gives examples of unacceptable behavior, but should not be considered exhaustive.
The following actions are forbidden, and can lead to a disciplinary action in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy outlined below.
- Harassing or bullying other players via verbal or written communications.
- Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or constituting harassment.
- Impersonation of any other player or Ubisoft employee.
- Any conduct which interrupts the general flow of Gameplay in the Game client, forum, or any other Ubisoft medium.
- Verbal or written abuse targeted toward a Ubisoft employee.
- Use of macros.
- Any attempt to edit, corrupt or change Game or server code. Any such behavior will result in the immediate cancellation of the account, and may even give rise to personal liability and/or penal penalties.
- Use of third-party hacking, cheating or botting clients.
- The purchase of in Game benefits, including but not limited to MMR boosting services from unlicensed vendors, as well as the promotion of such services.
In the event of a Code of Conduct violation, disciplinary action will be taken. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, sanctions can range from a warning to a permanent ban.
Below are examples of behavior that could lead to your account being banned from playing online or restricting your access in other ways from the Game:
- Cheating / Modding / Hacking: Player is running a modified or otherwise unauthorized version of the Game client or a third party software which provides any sort of unfair advantage (wallhacks, aimhacks) or causing detriment to other players experience: Maximum penalty is permanent ban.
- Offensive Language or Behavior / Threats: Posting or publishing (public forums, private chats or VOIP) any language or content that is in violation of this Code of Conduct.
- Harassment: Harassing or serious bullying other players via verbal or written communications in the in-Game chat, and outside the Game (public forum, subreddit, etc.)
- All partners bans will be honored at Ubisoft discretion. If a player is banned by a partner, they could be banned by Rainbow Six Siege as well.
In the idea to make the Game a welcoming community space for challenges, Ubisoft has decided to launch an automated temporary banning system in respect to Offensive Language or Behavior, Threats and Harassment.
This system will automatically temporary ban players from the Game when they use abusive words in the in-Game chat.
These temporary bans will be implemented as follows:
- First offense: 30 minutes temporary ban
- Second offense: 2 hours temporary ban
- Third Offense: 2 hours temporary ban
- After three offenses: an investigation will be conducted and may lead to a permanent ban (maximum penalty)
If you have a question or wish to dispute an Account sanction that you have incurred, please send a request to Customer Support. Please be sure to include all relevant information. We will reply to your questions as promptly as possible.
The User alone is responsible for the security of his/her Account, including protecting his/her system and Account from being compromised. To ensure security of your account, please enable Two Factor Authentication.
Help us make this site, the Game and the forums a welcoming community space. Respect the Code of Conduct and encourage others to do the same. If you meet users who are not familiar with the Code of Conduct, politely encourage them to read it.