Original Post — Direct link
I play on EU servers and I´m in Gold III at the moment but only because I constently get destroed by people that are lvl 35 or busting Diamonds I don´t even now how bad the matchmaking can be that I can play against a Diamond player also a question to all the smurfs: Why can´´t you just play on your main acc I dont understand it if your opponents are to strong or if you dont sweet so hard because your enemies are to strong than play Quick Match but what is so fun about destroing people that are obviesly worse than you.

PS: Sorry for the bad english
and also Ubi pls ban all Smurfs and Boosting people thanks
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Our plans for upping the ranked requirements was an attempt at combating the amount of smurfin in game - You can read about those plans here!
almost 3 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date on threads before commenting!