23 days
ago -
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Hey AspireQTR,
Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear you have been having trouble with being asked for an activation key. This is actually not needed.
Instead, would it be possible to try launching Steam with admin rights [ubi.li] and then click play on the game. This should then force Ubisoft Connect [ubi.li] to launch and link to the game.
If you have any trouble, just let us know
Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear you have been having trouble with being asked for an activation key. This is actually not needed.
Instead, would it be possible to try launching Steam with admin rights [ubi.li] and then click play on the game. This should then force Ubisoft Connect [ubi.li] to launch and link to the game.
If you have any trouble, just let us know