over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Kormit the Frag: Vigil > Cav imo
Cav is high risk low reward and Vigil is just pretty good all around.
I mean, a gadget that cloaks from drones INCLUDING the lion scan?

Cav guns are big garbo and vigils k1a is great

According to ubisoft "mozzie is a roamer", but the rest of the roamers are mainly base ops, Alibi and Valk.
Alibi sucks in general and Valk is Valk. I would just take the vigil tbf

I agree with the Vigil choice, however, I am curious about the "low reward" tag given to Cav. High risk for sure, but the reward is the real-time location of the enemy team which could turn the tide of a match. Is there any particular reason you feel that the interrogation isn't worth it?