Here you can find the fixes and balancing changes for the Y9S3.3 patch.
Y9S3.3 PATCH SIZE Find the download sizes for each platform below.
- Ubisoft Connect: 1.04GB
- Steam: 301.3MB
- Xbox One: 898.77 MB
- Xbox Series X: 1.12GB
- PlayStation®4: 1.439 GB
- PlayStation®5: 920 MB
- Reduced hologram cooldown when destroyed to 20 seconds (from 30).
- Removed distortion caused by bullets.
- Increased Pests to 4 (from 3).
- Added Impact Grenades.
- Increased Argus cameras to 6 (from 4).
- Removed Breach Charges.
- Added Hard Breach Charges.
- Reduced bullet trail duration and size.
BUG FIXES GAMEPLAY FIXED - UI element that lets a team know they're moving into the lower bracket of Siege Cup says "unknown" instead.
FIXED - A player watching a match is unable to access text chat.
FIXED - Siege Cup banner says "Waiting for others to join" despite being paired against an enemy team.
FIXED - Caster card placement differs when spectating certain Custom Game presets.
FIXED - Devices briefly reactivate when picked up despite being affected by an EMP.
FIXED - "!!Missing Timer" text present in the AAR screen.
FIXED - The More Info section of Siege Cup has incorrect information about the registration requirements.
FIXED - Some Siege Cup players' games do not start, and those players remain with the ribbon stating: "NEXT MATCH IN Starting Soon".
OPERATORS FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shells spawns without a shield at 2F Executive Office in the Plane map.
USER EXPERIENCE FIXED - Redeem button is missing from the Bravo Collection with a Bravo Pack Ticket.
FIXED - Marketplace is missing the thumbnail for the Crushing Canes skin for Montagne's Le Roc shield.