over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Goat Senpai: Why is it that I play bomb like 99% the time in Quick match? There are 2 other game modes. What ever happened to map/game preferences?
If you go into your settings, you'll see the option to turn on/off certain game modes.

Originally posted by Goat Senpai: Why is it that when I'm a gold 3 that i play against 5 stacks of plat 2 and up almost every time in quick match?
Quick Match has a separate MMR that doesn't take any information from Ranked play. If you're coming across a high Plat or Diamond player in Casual, it's because you share a similar Quick Match MMR with them. Most high Ranked players ever really touch other game modes, so their Casual MMR essentially stays the same since they're always grinding Ranked.

Originally posted by Goat Senpai: Is there any possibility of having a solo que quick match/ranked category. I bet 90% people who play the game would like the option, instead of getting mollywopped by a 5 stack in quick match.
I see a lot of solo queued players make this request over the past few months. Unfortunately, I don't have any information to share at this time, however, I made sure to pass the feedback along to the team.

Originally posted by Goat Senpai: Open up the old maps(plane, sub, tower) to play on in Quick match. I'm tired of playing the same maps over and over. i understand why they are not in ranked rotation but having people play on your weaker maps might let you recieve some good feedback on needed changes instead just trowing the maps in a closet like a redheaded step child.
Again, this is something else we've made sure to let the team know how the community feels about the current map pool rotation system.